This is the poster for Bird Box which shows that all the characters are blindfolded for a purpose. The colors that stand out the most are that of the blindfolds. This puts emphasize of the blindfolds which would leave the audience wondering. Every thing is dark except for the blindfolds and that of the faces being lit up in the direction their going. This could be interpreted that they are heading toward the light and away from the darkness.
Both trailers have long and short takes. The longer takes show more of the storyline and how they ended up there while the shorter takes have actions such as them going down the river and that of the reactions toward the creatures coming to get them. These elements show who the main characters' are and the objective of trying to find a safe place while running from their greatest fear. This creates suspense on what is going to happen next and will they ever find peace or will it always be a struggle to survive.
These are the billboards used to advertise the film coming out on Netflix. These billboards such as the one in the middle creates or makes it streamline to the building which would catch someone's eye because most billboards are not like this. Usually are horizontal than vertical. Also, these billboards are large and prominent with no other advertisements are shown which makes the person commuting focus singularly on these posters around the city.

The first article is a marketing strategy by Netflix to create a wide and engaged crowd would be not discouraging those on the internet for spreading news through their followers by making a widespread challenge. Netflix only stated for everyone to be safe while doing the challenge. The challenge was to wear a blindfold while doing normal activities such as walking around the house and hopefully not falling down a flight of stairs. The second article was the director explaining what the target audience would be and how it would impact the audience. The director also states in the article on what the film is trying to achieve how it was done.
Some persuasive techniques would be having out of the thinking market campaign such as letting others advertise for you. The example being the Bird Box Challenge. Another is having large billboards around a populous area so it can be seen while people are commuting. Also, the way of revealing the characters in the trailers. It would start in the present or making their way toward the safe place but it also reverts back to how the family got into the situation and the purpose of the blindfold.
Aspects that I would use for my film would be considering the contrast of light and dark in my poster. Another to pick up on is what is my focal point of my film, how am I supposed to make suspense. How to give an understanding to the audience without revealing everything in one shot. Another is how to use social media to my advantages as well as how to figure the dynamics of the characters and how to portray in a poster.
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