3rd Quarter Submission

My 3rd quarter submission has been revised to have music in the beginning to make it have more of an impact. This is to show that Bibi is in the rush and that she is currently panicking that she is running all the way across campus to seek help in finding her instrument. These scenes are long takes to emphasis how big and how long she is running across the campus.

I also cropped and cut out people that were in the shot that would distract from the main event of what is currently happening. I also got rid of the card game because it was only a second long which did not make an impact on the film. I also added myself into these shots because either one or both the actresses could not make it or they were on a time constraint.

Another revision I did was to have the dissolve transition from the title to the actual scene because it was to abrupt otherwise. This transition made it smoother which is more appealing to the eye then having it cut right then and there.

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