Planning Activities - Schedule Filming

The filming will be scheduled next week on Wednesday. The goals of filming is to have as much of the filming done in that one day, so I can start editing the film without taking more time of my friends schedule. The portions I'm trying to film will be all of it. It was set on Wednesday because this will give all the actor and actresses enough time on bringing the props such as a pack of cards, and the flute used for a scene to school. It will also allow for notice when Adam needs to be dressed in all black. This will make him more menacing and stand out among the stark white building. The sticky note will be able to be made to the specifications on the script. Also, have time to instruct Adam on how to be holding Jordan when she is being dragged away and where he is supposed to drag her. It will give time for the actor and actresses to remember the script and make it feel natural. It will give time so that the actor and actresses will have their schedule clear and not worry about another appointment where they are needed. This will all no distractions. Also, the scenes with Adam with be first to film and this is because he has workouts after school that are mandatory. Jordan, Rebecca, and Abby will film after Adam.

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