Project Selection - Magazine

The aspects of print journalism that interest me was the process of making the magazine. I found it interesting that the process of decision making such as setting up what should go in the newspaper from All the President’s Men is relatively the same as in the Newsroom that was set in 2010 on what would go on television. Both aspects have to come to a decision on the stories should go where and how to format the media form to have the audience engaged. Another way that print journalism interest me is that there a variety of different areas that a print journalism can write about. For instance, when doing the magazine analysis, I was able to see a variety of different magazines from cooking magazines, to sports magazines, to celebrity magazines, and many more.

The skills I possess that would make me a good fit for the magazine project is my writing skills. I would be able to write quite well because of the creative stories I've written in my free time. Another skill would be my persistence. I would play around with the format of the magazine to make it well structured and eye catching ot the reader.

What would be a challenge to doing the magazine project is the structure. The structure of the magazine will impact the readers perusing through them. Also, the contrasting of colors to make the magazine stand out would be hard to achieve because if there is too much contrast then the eyes will not be able to focus on what it was intended to focus on. If there is too little of contrast then it will not catch the reader's eyes. Also, the size of the pictures can be a challenge because depending on how big or small it is then the reader will focus on it more or less. Also, the pictures have to stand out to the reader, so the reader knows exactly what is to be expected of the magazine while enticing them with the stories inside the magazine.

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