Panic Room in the first two minutes of the film there is a landscape of many different skyscrapers. They skyscrapers vary in size and shape. So, the audience can infer that this will be taken place in a populous area where there are many different people from very wealthy citizens to very poor citizens. At the end, it shows a park surrounded by skyscrapers. This could be inferred to New York City. It also gives a view of the busy streets with a bunch of traffic and has digital screens which is another indication. The people in the sitting and lounging around so it is inferred that it is a normal day and there is nothing significant going on. It then goes to people walking down the streets in a fast paced manner which gives another hint that it is New York City because of the hustle and bustle of the people walking on the sidewalk.
It starts off with a establishing shot of the different skyscrapers with. It then shows two other shots of different buildings. The buildings were at different angles. It then pans to another set of buildings that cast a shadow on the building behind it to give a more eerie effect. It gives another
shot that could be on a dolly because it rotates. It the pans to the title
Panic Room. It then gives somewhat of a high angle and give a pan on the actresses name. It then gives a long shot of the cars down below. It then gives a high angle of the words casting by Laray Mayfield and it gives more emphasis on the taxis and cars down below. It then pans to the costume designer Michael Kaplan. It gives a high angle on the music by Howard Shore. It then tilts slowly up on the credits of the film editors. It really then gives a high angle for the production designer to show how tall it is. It then gives a low angle on an olden building to make it more intimidating. This low angle is at credits written by. It then gives a long shot of the park. Another scene is the camera tilting down to see the people walking at a rapid pace.
The editing used in the
Panic Room was usually cuts. These cuts show different parts of the city. Many of the cuts were of different of different skyscrapers around the city from older to newer. These cuts showed the different areas that are in the city such as the park, the streets of the buildings, and also part of the electronic billboards.
The sound for this opening is mostly incidental music to give a feeling of suspense and wariness that something is going to happen. There is a voice over at the very end with a woman's voice telling the audience of the amenities that she has for her house that she is going to see because she list four rooms with forty-two hundred square feet. The audience can infer that she is going to buy the house that she is list the amenities off of.
These shots were definitely on locations. The lighting is natural and it is a clear blue sky which tells the audience that there is nothing to be worried about because it is a perfect day in the city and nothing bad is going to happen in the day time.
The roles that
Panic Room shows has the names of the actors, casting by, costume design, music by, film editors, production designer, director of photography, produced by, written by, and directed by.
The movie cost to make was 48 million dollars. The Panic Room made 100.4 million in the United States but worldwide made 196.4 dollars.
Panic Room won one award and had nine nominations